Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Snap Bomb

The name.. is strange, the promise is good. Every once in awhile I get a little off-topic on this blog and talk about something besides politics (like cars.. or loons). This time I want to take a minute to talk about a blog opportunity called Snapbomb. Snapbomb is a website that is free to join and offers money for posts, pure and simple.

The difference between this service and all the other obnoxious pay-4-post services are pretty big. First, they let you write the post.. not a pre-written "first hand testimonial". Second, you pick the product or website to post about. Third, they let you write your own opinion and you get paid no matter what you write about. Fourth, they help you out a little bit by suggesting some words that might be helpful although you aren't generally required to use them. This blog marketing style helps people work up their products' buzz. I guess they figure that any press is good press, which is partially true, especially on the internet. Finally, it is actually pretty easy. I have a life and I'm sure at least some of the people who read this blog do too, so you are probably looking for a little extra money without loads of complicated technical finagling or tedious processes. Snapbomb is simple it just calculates how much you will be payed based on your traffic then gives you opportunities based on your blog topic and you can accept the opportunities at your own leisure. Also nice is the fact that there is no minumum payout and the money is sent by paypal monthly so you don't have to wait forever.

All around I would call it a pretty cool opportunity and if and when I post something from an opportunity from snapbomb I'll let you all know through a tag titled Snapbomb. Thanks for listening!


Find your own opportunity - Snapbomb
Homepage - Snapbomb

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